We had a great summer this year! We visited lots of friends and family. Some of our travels were...Angel's Camp, Tuolumne, Old Town Sacramento, Huntington Lake, The Big Trees at Sequoia and San Juan Capistrano.
Here are a few photos from the summer, I'll post a few more soon!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bye-Bye Summer!
Posted by Lisa at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
8 Months Old!
Today is Joshie's 8 month birthday. He really gets around these days...he pivots on his tummy and then rolls where ever he wants to go; and he is quite fast too! He continues to love his food...he weighs about 21 pounds now! For reference, we brought Tori home when she was 8.5 months old and she only weighed 13 pounds! He is quickly gaining on his big sis!
Johua had a great time meeting and bonding with Alicia (known as Leesh-Leesh at our house) last night.
Updated pix of my big boy to come soon!
Posted by Lisa at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Happy Anniversary to Us!
On Saturday Kevin and I celebrated our 18th anniversary - 18 on the 18th - kind of our golden anniversary (if you don't know what your golden birthday is email me!). We actually went out to dinner on Friday to Flemings to celebrate. Wow, that food is good! Saturday we spent at a cheerleading event and then a going away party for my nephew Jacob.
It has been an amazing 18 years! The highlights include the birth of Lizzie, meeting Tori for the first time and bringing Joshie home. (attending the 2002 Olympics was pretty cool, too!) We have been blessed with family, friends and mentors (we still miss you Bruce and Janice!) who have stood by us, supported us and prayed us through difficult times also. Thank you.
Kevin is an incredible partner and phenomenal father. I don't know another man like him. (not many could handle being a stay-at-home daddy!) I love you so much Kevin and I am so grateful that God brought us together.
The top picture was taken last summer, the picture below was one of the first pictures we took as a couple.
Posted by Lisa at 9:49 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Today was Joshua's scheduled .26 hearing...it went like clockwork! Birth parents were notified properly and in enough time, no complaints were filed IT IS DONE. The judge terminated parental rights on the spot. Thank you Jesus! As I've told a few of you it is a bittersweet moment; while our family is moving towards finalizing with Josh, another family had to be torn apart to do so. I think of Joshua's birthmom often, thinking that she has no idea what she is missing with Victoria and Joshua. They are truly such a blessing to our family.
The next step is finalizing the adoption; we should have a court date set soon for that. Thank you to everyone who prayed us through today and special thanks to Abigail Casarez (Tori's social worker) who introduced us to Tori and thus brought us Josh.
Posted by Lisa at 12:00 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hello Huntington Lake!
Last weekend we had the pleasure of joining Rod, Julie, Alyssa and Lindsey McNeely at a cabin at Huntington Lake. The weather was perfect (about 85 degrees), company great, food was excellent and the view was fantastic!
While Joshie and I napped, all four girls, Rod & Julie and Kevin spent some time at the lake. The water was a little chilly, but they had a great time in a canoe. Lizzie decided she was a canoe expert because of her time watching Pocahantas. After returning from the lake everyone warmed up in the hot tub at the cabin.
During the time they were at the lake I had an interesting encounter with a hummingbird. I heard a noise coming from the blinds at one of the windows, so I went to investigate. I pulled up the blinds and there trying to get through the window was a hummingbird. As I gently talked to the bird I cornered him in the window with my hands. I cupped him in my hands and carried him to the door where he flew away. It was an amazing experience. He sat on my finger and didn't even try to fly away until I opened my hands. Way cool!
The four girls get along so well, they always have a great time when 'the cousins' get together. Thanks for a great time McNeelys!
View from the cabin deck, Huntington Lake behind Rod and Kevin.
Even Josh got in on some spa fun.
Posted by Lisa at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Welcome Sophie Shae!
On Saturday, July 21 at 4:57 p.m. our 22nd (wow!) neice was born in Utah. (Actually we have 11 neices and 11 nephews, cool huh? Another cool note, Sophie is our second great-neice!) Sophie Shae Wheatley weighed in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces and is 19 inches tall. Welcome Sophie, we can't wait to meet you in person!
Sophie and daddy (our nephew Dallon)
Mom (Amber), Dad and Sophie
Posted by Lisa at 3:56 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Family comes to town!
Last weekend we enjoyed a whirlwind visit from Kevin's baby sister, Kristine and her family...Uncle Mike and cousins Colby, Courtney and Jaxon. We had a great time! Even though there is such a huge age gap (Josh 7 months to Colby 21 yrs old!) the kids were great! They all had such a good time getting to know one another again. It was so much fun.
They came into town Friday night and left Sunday morning. On Saturday we took them to Sequoia National Forest to see the Nation's Christmas Tree...a ginormous California Redwood named General Sherman. Man, are those trees cool! The Leathams were mightly impressed by California's trees (not to mention the awesome Central Valley fruit we shared with them!).
Kris and Mike have hosted us numerous times when we've visited Utah; it was a pleasure to finally return the favor. Come back soon Leathams! Courtney and Josh
Jaxon, Lizzie and Tori 'in' one of the trees.
The Leatham family with the General behind them.
How's your coverage?
Our own little general...
Posted by Lisa at 4:06 PM 2 comments