Yesterday was the best day of our year. We received an early Christmas present; our son was officially recognized as an Alvey. Commissioner Schwartzbart signed a court order stating that Joshua Tucker Alvey is entitled to all of the rights and inheritance of our family. Amazing! We've waited for this day all year long.
After the hearing was over, I was reminded of what it means for God to adopt us. We too are entitled to all of the rights and inheritance as God's children. (a much better inheritance than we will leave our children!) With all of our faults, continual mistakes and crap that we drag into our lives, God does not disown us. What a miracle! I often have students ask me why we don't see miracles any more...for me, God's daily forgiveness of my selfish ways is a miracle.
But, back to the hearing...Kevin's mom, Dorothy Alvey and my parents, Larry and Linda Jantzen were able to join us. Kev's mom flew in from Utah just for the occasion. We also had a very special guest. Abbey Cazares, Tori's social worker, dropped by for the hearing. We believe that God used Abbey to introduce us to Tori, and such also brought Joshua into our lives. We are forever thankful for Abbey's diligence with Tori's case. Thank you Abbey!
Everybody keeps asking us if we are 'done' now. We were very happy with two little girls...we are thrilled to have a son. We are not looking to add to our brood, but would never turn away a little one that God brings to our door. (see James 1:27)
Here are a few pictures from the day... In our court day finery
Waiting with Grandma Alvey
With Papa and Nana (Josh is showing off his funny face)
The whole family
Gotcha brother!
Taking our oath
It's done...celebrate! Oops, we lost Joshie's head!
6 years ago